
ARF-D Bureau

The ARF-D Bureau is the ARF-Dashnaktsutyun’s highest worldwide executive body, elected by the World Congress. The Bureau elects its Chairman and officers. The current Bureau, elected by the ARF-D 31st World Congress, convened in Tzaghkatzor, Armenia, in June-July 2011, has the following composition: Hrant Margaryan, Chairman, (Armenia) Vigen Baghoumian (Iran) Hagop Der Khatchadourian (Canada) Vahan…

Supreme Council of Armenia

The Supreme Council of Armenia is the ARF-Dashnaktsutyun’s highest executive body in the Republic of Armenia, elected by the Supreme Assembly of Armenia for a 2-two-year term; the Council elects its chairman and officers. The current Supreme Council of Armenia was elected on 6 June 2010 and is composed of the following: Armen Rustamyan, Chairman…