Archive photo from the Socialist International’s Committee for the CIS, the Caucasus and the Black Sea meeting in Yerevan June 9, 2015. (L-R) Armen Rustamyan (Armenia ARF-D, co-chair of the committee), Secretary General Luis Ayala, Alexandra Dobolyi (Hungary MSzP, co-chair of the committee) and Oleg Tulea (Moldova PDM, vice-chair of the committee).
Secretary General of the Socialist International, Luis Ayala arrived yesterday in Armenia, yerkir.am reported. Ayala met today with ARF-D members at the ARF-D Bureau “Kristapor Mikayelian” headquarters, in Yerevan.
The Armenian delegation was comprised of ARF-D Bureau’s political representative, Armen Rustamyan, ARF-D Armenia’s Supreme Council chairman, Aghvan Vardanyan, and ARF-D Bureau member, Giro Manoyan.
Activities and projects of the Socialist International which concern the region as well as the possibilities for SI in playing a positive role after April’s four-day war in Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) were among the topics that were discussed.
Furthermore the interlocutors spoke about the support of the Socialist International to the work of the ARF-D that pertains to the domestic political life of the country.