(arminfo.am) – ARFD Party Faction in the Armenian Parliament supports the ruling coalition’s initiative to set up an ad hoc committee to study gas problems, ARFD representative Artsvik Minasyan told ArmInfo. He said that the coalition-suggested project resembles the one ARFD submitted yet in 2010 but contains some more issues connected with the latest sale…
Armenia, Economics & Finance, In Politics, Labour & Social Welfare, News, Policy
Parliamentary Factions’ Statement On Accumulative Pension Scheme

(aysor.am) – Four factions of the Armenian parliament – ARFD, Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK), Armenian National Congress (HAK) and Heritage factions have issued a joint statement concerning the law on introduction of the compulsory accumulative pension system. The statement says: “On January 24, 2014 Armenia’s Constitutional Court took a decision to suspend Article 76 and…
Armenia, In Politics, Leadership, News, Supreme Council of Armenia
Manukyan Replaces Hovhannisyan In The Parliament
The Chairman of the ARF-D Supreme Body of Armenia, Mikayel Manukyan, will take the place of former Member of Parliament Vahan Hovhannisyan who was recently appointed by President Sargsyan to the post of Ambassador in Germany. The decision was taken at the January 13, 2014 session of the Supreme Body. Mikayel Manukyan was born on…
Armenia, Economics & Finance, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, News, Policy
“The Agreement Is Not Ratified On The Part Of Armenia”, Four Parliamentary Parties Issue Statement
“The agreement is not ratified on the part of Armenia”, four parliamentary parties issue statement. On December 23, 2013 an extraordinary session of the Parliament was to be convened to vote the agreement signed on December 2, in Yerevan between the governments of Armenia and the Russian Federation concerning the trade of shares to of…
Armenia, Economics & Finance, In Politics, News, Policy
Parliament Minority To Challenge Pension Reform In Court

by Astghik Bedevian (azatutyun.am) – The Armenian parliamentary opposition said on Tuesday that it will appeal to the Constitutional Court to scrap a controversial reform of the national pension system that has triggered continuing street protests by mostly young professionals. The three opposition parties represented in the National Assembly as well as the Prosperous Armenia…
Armenia, Armenia-Diaspora, Bureau, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, Leadership, Mountainous Karabakh, News, Other Countries, Policy
Hunchakian, RAG and ARF-D Political Parties Meet, Issue Joint Statement

On December 6, 2013 a meeting at Tekeyan Center in Beirut, Lebanon was held between Hrant Markaryan, ARF-D Bureau Chairman, a delegation of the Hunchakian Party Central Executive headed by Hagop Dikranian and Mike Kharabian, RAG Chairman. Below is the statement that was issued after the conclusion of the meeting. On the threshold of the…
Armenia, Economics & Finance, In Politics, News, Policy
(azatutyun.am) – Armenian Parliament Refuses To Block Pension Reform

(azatutyun.am RFE/RL) – The Armenian parliament rejected on Wednesday an opposition proposal to freeze a controversial reform of the national pension system that will force workers under the age of 40 to pay more social security taxes. A bill that would delay the unpopular government measure by at least one year was narowly voted down…
Armenia, Economics & Finance, In Politics, International Relations, Policy
ANCA Welcomes Results of US-Armenia Economic Talks

Supports Shift of Bilateral Dialogue from Aid to Trade (armenianweekly.com) WASHINGTON—The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) welcomed the realignment of the U.S.-Armenia economic dialogue away from primarily “donor recipient”-based discussions and toward a focus on practical steps to promote a robust bilateral trade and investment partnership. At a State Department press conference held at…
Armenia, Economics & Finance, In Politics, Labour & Social Welfare, News, Policy
Open Letter From “N. Aghbalyan” Student Association To Coalition’s Youth Organizations

Open letter addressed to the Youth Organizations of the Armenian Republican and Rule of Law Parties and to the Student Councils of Armenia’s State and non State Universities With this letter we would like to draw your attention on a number of issues included in the legislative package about the mandatory accumulative pension system that…
Armenia, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, News, Other Countries, Policy
ARF-D Sees Vagueness Around Customs Union Process

(source: azatutyun.am RFE/RL) – On November 20, Head of the ARF-D International Secretariat, Giro Manoyan told media representatives that his party is worried and discontent with the vagueness surrounding the Customs Union joining process because there is no concrete information about it and that “is not a sign of anything good” he said. “Vagueness causes…