(horizonweekly.ca) – Canadian Parliamentarians Continue to Show Leadership in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s Development The Honourable Stephane Dion, Member of Parliament for Saint-Laurent –Cartierville and former Leader of the Official Opposition visited the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic from September 21 to 27, 2013. Mr. Dion’s visit allowed him to view first-hand the progress…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Policy, Supreme Council of Armenia
“We Will Live In Our Country” Anti-Emigration Plan
Today, at a specially convened press conference ARF-D Supreme Council members, Armen Rustamyan and Artsvik Minasyan presented the party’s “We will live in our country” plan against emigration, yerkirmedia.am reports. The 11 directives and 95 operations comprising this plan, will not only counter emigration which has reached the proportions of being a threat to national…
Armenia, Bureau, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, International Relations, Leadership, Mountainous Karabakh, National Security & Defense, Natural Resources & Mining, News, Policy
Margaryan Discusses Custom’s Union, Hovhanessyan Ambassadorship
(armenianweekly.com) – In an interview recently with the “Yerkrin Hartse” program in Armenia, Hrant Markarian, the chairperson of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau, presented the ARF’s stance on various problems facing the Armenian Republic. Since Sept. 3, he said, when Armenia decided to join the Russian-led Custom’s Union, most of the discussions and debates…
Armenia, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, International Relations, Mountainous Karabakh, News, Policy
Rustamyan’s Three Questions To FM Nalbandyan About Customs Union
A closed-door session between Armenia’s Foreign Minister, Edward Nalbandyan and members of the Parliament was held on September 10 where Armenia’s decision to join the Russian-led Customs Union was discussed. Head of ARF-D Parliamentary Faction, Armen Rustamyan spoke to media representatives about the three questions he posed to FM Nalbandyan. The first one was about…
Armenia, In Politics, News
“Mandate”, parliamentmonitoring.am: ARF-D Most Active Parliamentary Political Party, Minasyan Most Active MP

On September 9, the fourth session of the Parliament’s fifth convocation will be declared open. “Mandate” NGO and parliamentmonitoring.am summed up and published the statistical data concerning the activities of the 3rd session, yerkirmedia.am reports. A team comprised of experts and journalists observed that the plans, reports and announcements on behalf of various bodies were…
Armenia, In Politics, News
We Must Have Authorities Elected By The People, So Decisions Such As This Are Not Taken, Says Manoyan
“The decision to join the Customs Union doesn’t mean that we have abandoned the European vector and that we have returned to the Soviet Union” stated Giro Manoyan, Head of the ARF-D International Secretariat during a press conference held on September 6, at ”Noyan Tapan” press club. According to Manoyan the problem is that, it…
Armenia, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, International Relations, Leadership, Mountainous Karabakh, National Security & Defense, News, Policy, Supreme Council of Armenia
ARF-D Press Release
The announcement in Moscow, of Armenia’s decision to join the Customs Union was as much a landmark as it was a decision dictating great responsibility for the future of Armenia. It is possible to assume that at some point, considering the geopolitical state and developments, Armenia would join the Customs Union initiated by its strategic ally and…
Armenia, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, News, Policy
Hovannesyan Clarifies Ambassadorship Rumors

ARF-D leader confirms that he has been approached to represent Armenia in a diplomatic capacity (asbarez.com) – Armenian Revolutionary Federation Bureau member and leader of the party’s parliamentary bloc Vahan Hovannesian on Tuesday confirmed that he has been approached by the Sarkisian Administration to represent Armenia as an ambassador. In an interview with Yerkir.am Hovanessyan…
Armenia, Culture-Education-Sciences, In Politics, News, Policy
“Aghbalyan” Student Association Spearheads Movement Against Tuition Raise
In a press statement released on August 27, the ARF-D “Nigol Aghbalyan” Student Association communicated its initiative to hold a protest against the government’s raise of university tuition and called the public to join with the students. The “N. Aghbalyan” Association reminded that it has voiced its concerns around issues related to highest education and…
Armenia, Armenia-Diaspora, Bureau, Foreign Affairs, In Politics, Leadership, Mountainous Karabakh, National Security & Defense, News, Organizational Matters, Policy
Enlarged Conference of ARF-D Local Chapters’ Representatives
Press Release The enlarged conference of ARF-D Local Chapters’ representatives convened on August 24-26, in Yerevan. Representatives and guests from the local Chapters of the homeland and abroad took part in this panarmenian gathering. The purpose of this gathering, which was an ARF-D Bureau initiative, was to evaluate organizational matters, the situation in the wider…