On March 26, ARF-D Supreme Council of Armenia, Vice Chairman Aghvan Vardanyan gave a press conference at Post Scriptum press club. Vardanyan said that these are political elections by the law that provisions a race to be conducted between the political parties but by their nature as well, no matter how much the ruling regime…
In Politics
Armenia, In Politics, Municipal Elections 2013, News
“Yerevan, Change Armenia”
“Changes will begin from the country’s capital city, Yerevan and expand throughout Armenia” said ARF-D Parliamentary Faction Secretary, Aghvan Vardanyan, to media representatives at the Parliament, on March 23 and revealed that based on that conviction the party’s election logo will be “Yerevan, change Armenia”, tert.am reports. “We must be aware that this is not…
Armenia, In Politics, Municipal Elections 2013, News
ARF-D Submits Yerevan Municipal Election Candidate List

On March 21, ARF-D submitted to the Central Electoral Commission its list of candidates for the May 5, Yerevan municipal election. The 65-member list is headed by ARF-D Parliamentary Faction leader and Supreme Council of Armenia Chairman, Armen Rustamyan, followed by the Parliamentary Faction’s Secretary and SC of Armenia, Vice Chairman, Aghvan Rustamyan and by…
Armenia, Democracy & Human Rights, In Politics, News, Policy, Presidential Elections 2013
ARF-D’s Roadmap
The post-election state in the country needs to be dissolved said ARF-D Faction Secretary, Aghvan Vardanyan, at the Parliament, today. “Ultimatums, testing patience, statements about not going to concessions are not taking us anywhere; for what is more, they are even deepening the gap between the society, the ruling power and the political parties” Vardanyan…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Parliamentary Elections 2012
Who Is Lying, Tigran Mukuchyan Or The Press And International Observers, Minasyan Asks
Aravot.am reports that on March 18, the Central Electoral Committee Chairman, Tigran Mukuchyan presented the May 6, 2012 parliamentary elections report to the Parliament. ARF-D MP, Artsvik Minasyan said that “It is not a secret that during the parliamentary elections state officials were actively preoccupied with campaign work. Many public statements have been made about…
Culture-Education-Sciences, Democracy & Human Rights, In Politics, Issues of Interest & Concern, News, Other Countries, Policy
Akhalkalak Regional Assembly’s Decision Causes Much Noise In Georgia
(akhaltskha.net, March 18) – The decision of Akhalkalak Regional Assembly to apply to Georgia’s Parliament for the latter to ratify the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and therefore give the status of a regional language to Armenian has caused much noise in that country. Yesterday in reference to this matter, President Saakashvili stated…
Democracy & Human Rights, In Politics, Issues of Interest & Concern, Mountainous Karabakh, Other Countries, Policy
Mountainous Karabakh’s Freedom Celebrated on US Capitol Hill
Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Headlines Congressional Tribute to 25 Years of Liberty (armenianweekly.com, WASHINGTON)—The Chairman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ed Royce (R-Calif.), joined with fellow members of the Congressional Armenian Caucus and the visiting Minister of Youth and Culture from the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, Narine Aghabalyan, in a…
In Politics, News
AYF Takes Part In YES (ECOSY) Congress

On March 7-10, 2013, a two-member delegation of the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF), comprised of Azatoohi Simonyan (Armenia) and Aren Kertedjian (France) took part in the 11th Congress of the European Community Organisation of Socialist Youth (ECOSY) that was convened in Bommersvik, Sweden. AYF holds an observer status within ECOSY. Party of European Socialists (PES)…
Armenia, In Politics, Presidential Elections 2013
Vahan Hovhannesyan Expresses Solidarity To Raffi Hovhannesyan
These days there are many politicians, statespersons and intellectuals who visit Raffi Hovhannesyan on Liberty Square where his on a hunger strike since March 10. Among them was ARF-D Bureau member Vahan Hovhanessyan to express his solidarity. Vahan Hovhanessyan sat down with Raffi Hovhannesyan and had a brief conversation with him. In reply to journalists’…
Armenia-Diaspora, Culture-Education-Sciences, Democracy & Human Rights, In Politics, Issues of Interest & Concern, News, Other Countries, Policy
Armenian Community of Georgia, Reintegration Minister Meet

Press Release On March 12, 2013 members of the Armenian Community of Georgia Executive Body had a meeting with state Minister of Georgia for Reintegration, Paata Zakareishvili. During the meeting, issues that concern Georgian Armenians were presented and ways to solve complex situations were elaborated. Among them were the participation of Georgian citizens of Armenian…