The post-election state in the country needs to be dissolved said ARF-D Faction Secretary, Aghvan Vardanyan, at the Parliament, today. “Ultimatums, testing patience, statements about not going to concessions are not taking us anywhere; for what is more, they are even deepening the gap between the society, the ruling power and the political parties” Vardanyan…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Parliamentary Elections 2012
Who Is Lying, Tigran Mukuchyan Or The Press And International Observers, Minasyan Asks reports that on March 18, the Central Electoral Committee Chairman, Tigran Mukuchyan presented the May 6, 2012 parliamentary elections report to the Parliament. ARF-D MP, Artsvik Minasyan said that “It is not a secret that during the parliamentary elections state officials were actively preoccupied with campaign work. Many public statements have been made about…
Armenia, In Politics, Presidential Elections 2013
Vahan Hovhannesyan Expresses Solidarity To Raffi Hovhannesyan
These days there are many politicians, statespersons and intellectuals who visit Raffi Hovhannesyan on Liberty Square where his on a hunger strike since March 10. Among them was ARF-D Bureau member Vahan Hovhanessyan to express his solidarity. Vahan Hovhanessyan sat down with Raffi Hovhannesyan and had a brief conversation with him. In reply to journalists’…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Presidential Elections 2013
Political Consultations Between Oppositional Parties
Consultations between the political parties to form a joint list for the Yerevan municipal election have taken place. On March 8, Armen Rustamyan and Aghvan Vardanyan from ARF-D, Ruben Hakobyan and Hovsep Khurshudyan from Heritage (Zharangutyun) party and Vartan Oskanyan and Naira Zohrabyan from Prosperous Armenia (BHK) party met at the ARF-D Supreme Council of…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Presidential Elections 2013, Supreme Council of Armenia
ARF-D: We Can Achieve Regime Change Gradually, Starting With Municipal Elections In Yerevan
YEREVAN (—Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Council representative Armen Rustamyan laid out his party’s vision for the post-election popular movement in Armenia by stressing the importance of securing a victory at the Yerevan municipal elections on May 5, 2013, as a stepping stone towards achieving regime change. Speaking at a rally on Freedom Square on…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Presidential Elections 2013
ARF-D Will Be Present At Rally On March 5
Representatives from all the parliamentary parties held a meeting today with Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan in order to assess the post-election developments. The Head of ARF-D Parliamentary Faction, Armen Rustamyan stated to “Our proposition to convene an extraordinary session was discussed but for now negotiations are essentially deadlocked. In the first place, the ruling power…
Armenia, Bureau, In Politics, News, Presidential Elections 2013, Supreme Council of Armenia
ARF-D And “Heritage” Representatives Meet
On March 3, former presidential candidate and Heritage party leader, Raffi Hovhannesyan accompanied by the Campaign manager and Head of the party’s parliamentary faction, Ruben Hakobyan held a meeting with ARF-D Bureau Chairman, Hrant Margaryan and Armenia’s Supreme Council Chairman, Armen Rustamyan. The interlocutors discussed about issues connected to the present political crisis as well…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Presidential Elections 2013
Heritage, ARF-D Joint Parliamentary Initiative
According to (February 28) the Heads of “Heritage “ and ARF-D Parliamentary Factions, Ruben Hakobyan and Armen Rustamyan have presented a draft bill to the Parliament’s Speaker. The two factions propose that a post-election evaluation take place in the next extraordinary session of the Plenary. Three demands are included in the document: holding extra…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Presidential Elections 2013
Head Of ARF-D Parliamentary Faction Announcement
Head of ARF-D Parliamentary Faction, Armen Rustamyan made the following announcement. As it was expected, the election process was badly conducted and the official results were predetermined. The main reason for this predetermination was the same as before: the abuse of the full extent of the state’s resources by the ruling power. Eye-poking expressions of…
Armenia, In Politics, News, Presidential Elections 2013, Supreme Council of Armenia
ARF-D’s Joining-In Speech On Liberty Square

ARF-D Supreme Council of Armenia Chairman, Armen Rustamyan delivered the following speech on February 22, at Liberty Square to the thousands of Armenians that rallied to protest the vote rigging of the recent presidential election in Armenia. Dear people, I greet you on behalf of ARF-D. Your presence here is the beginning of a big…